Code of Conduct & EDI

Badminton Line Judges Association of England – Code of Conduct

As a member of BLJAofE you have a responsibility to positively represent the Association at all times. Our code of conduct establishes a framework for acceptable behaviour which all members must follow to protect the reputation of the Association. The below commitments must always be complied with whilst officiating.

If you require any clarifications then please speak with the Manager of Line Judges at your next event.

As a minimum, members must:

  1. Accept and comply with the rules of the national governing body of the country in which they are line judging
  2. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of others
  3. Take reasonable measures to protect their own safety and the safety of others
  4. Undertake their duties professionally and ethically to ensure impartiality
  5. Take responsibility for their own performance and behaviour
  6. Represent their experience and officiating qualifications accurately
  7. Comply with General Data Protection Regulation requirements in respect to personal data
  8. Communicate any concerns about events to the Manager of Line Judges
  9. Not use inappropriate language or gestures
  10. Not speak on behalf of the Association unless requested to do so by the Committee
  11. Not accept personal invitations to line judge at events without BLJAofE authorisation
  12. Not make any bets on matches in events where they are officiating
  13. Refuse to take any compensation or inducement which could be construed as affecting their impartiality
  14. Adhere to Badminton England safeguarding policies:
  15. Adhere to Badminton World Federation   Social Media Policy

Depending on the event you must also comply with codes of conduct in addition to the above.

Guidance for policy compliance when officiating:

Event Governing Body Additional Policy
(local events + Nationals)
Badminton England Code-of-ethics-and-conduct-2021-1
All England BWF Statutes | BWF Corporate 
– Section 2.2.5
(overseas events)
Badminton Europe Vulnerable People Safeguarding Policy
(local events + Nationals)
Badminton Scotland Safeguarding & Wellbeing
(local events + Nationals)
Badminton Wales Code of Ethics and Behaviours


Inclusive Badminton

We all play a role in ensuring badminton continues to meet its aim of being an inclusive sport.  Both the Badminton World Federation (BWF) and Badminton England (BE) have very clear positions on this, actively encouraging us to embrace our differences to create a positive and welcoming environment for all.   
As technical officials we must adhere to the standards set out in the code of conduct when performing our roles.  Please take the time to familiarise yourselves with the below materials and raise any questions to the committee / Line Judge manager at your next event as needed. 
BE policy: Equality, Diversity & Inclusion ( 
BE policy: Code of ethics and conduct 2021 v1 ( page 9
BWF policy: Statutes | BWF Corporate (  – Section 2.2.5


Disciplinary Procedure

You will find full details in our association Handbook, on the disciplinary procedure.