Abby Kumar – Elected Honorary Vice President of Badminton England


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21 Responses

  1. Well done Abby. Well deserved

  2. Tom Cantle Tom Cantle says:

    Well done Abby. It is well deserved

  3. Paul Kodiatt Paul Kodiatt says:

    Congratulations..very happy to learn this..

  4. Paul Booth Paul Booth says:

    Great, Abby – well done and thanks for all your work for BLJA over so many years

  5. Kevin OBrien Kevin OBrien says:

    Nice one Abby, well done.

  6. Anne Spencer Anne Spencer says:

    Congratulations Abby
    Anne spencer

  7. Congrats you deserve it.

  8. John Walsh John Walsh says:

    Congratulations Abby

  9. Janet Smith Janet Smith says:

    Well deserved Abby. Congratulations.

  10. Sue Mobsby Sue Mobsby says:

    Something you deserve Abby – many congratulations. X Sue Mobsby

  11. Congratulations Abby. A well deserved nomination.

  12. Tony Godfrey Tony Godfrey says:

    This is very good news and ensures line judge representation at the top level. 😊

  13. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    This is wonderful news. Congratulations Abby, it is fitting recognition and well deserved, all your hard work has not gone unnoticed. Well done.🤗👍

  14. says:

    Well done, congratulations

  15. says:

    Really pleased for you Abby, no one deserves it more.

  16. John Miskin John Miskin says:

    Well done and definitely deserved.

  17. Abby Kumar Abby Kumar says:

    Dear Friends, I am so overwhelmed by the responses received since Kate posted the news. Thank you all so much, I will treasure your kind comments. Badminton England have been very kind in voting me into this position, and I am delighted that I can continue to attend BE meetings and have a say in its administration. In recent years Kate has joined me in meetings with the BE CEO and Chairman, and we also work closely with Mark Downie and Chris Miller on major and national events. This is good for our Association, and it keeps us on BE’s radar. I know that we have sufficient talent in our committee for us to continue this close link with BE into the future. Thank you all so much. My best wishes to you, and your families, for a safe and healthy future.

  18. Well done, Abby! A long time coming and very much deserved. Congrats.

  19. Great news Abby, well done

  20. Well done Abby and so well deserved.