BLJAE Committee – New Year Message


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6 Responses

  1. Kevin OBrien Kevin OBrien says:

    Wishing you all the best and hopefully see you all soon!!

  2. Tom Cantle Tom Cantle says:

    Happy New Year to all

  3. says:

    Thanks, and all the very best to all, Sue

  4. says:

    Well done again to the committee, looking forward to a healthier New Year for all.

  5. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    Well done to all on the committee. In spite of all the restrictions you have had fabulous year and managed to put on a number of events ibckuding the All Englands congratulations to all.
    I wish everyone everybody a happy new year and all the very best for 2022.

  6. Abby Kumar Abby Kumar says:

    Thank you all for your very kind responses. We do appreciate the feedback. The All England is again proving to be challenging because of the current situation. However, we look forward to the summer and the Commonwealth Games. My personal thanks to the organisers of these 2 events, and also to all the other Committee members, who are all working hard to keep the Association moving forward.
    Abby Kumar, President