New Event – U17 Nationals : 28/11/21


Event Announcement

2021 U17 Nationals   –   28thNovember 2021

Line Judges from the BLJAE have been invited to attend this event, which is being held in NBC, Milton Keynes.


If you require more information and/or are interested, please go to our Current Event Requests Page, and Volunteer for this event.

8 Responses

  1. Ruben Nortey Ruben Nortey says:

    I will be available.

  2. Rajesh Rahul Rajesh Rahul says:

    Hi all I am available that’s week please let me know. Raj

    • Hi Raj,

      You cannot register for any event by making a comment, you must complete and submit the registration form for all events.

      Happy New Year

  3. Can you tell me what time this event starts and finishes please

  4. Thanks Himanshu what time does the event normally finish?