Images tagged "line-judge"

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  1. Very nice article, thanks Gloria

  2. Thanks Gloria, sounds like despite the restrictions of this strange new world you had a good time.

  3. Congratulations ladies. Well deserved selection following your hard work with the All England.

  4. Kevin OBrien Kevin OBrien says:

    Nice one ladies. Like the Charlie’s Angels of line judging!!

  5. Kevin OBrien Kevin OBrien says:

    Well done everyone, I’m in good company!!

  6. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    Congratulations to Vicky Kate and Suzanne for your Commonwealth appointments. The badminton tournament is in safe hands

  7. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    Great report Suzanne!
    I feel the same way as you about the All Englands.
    It is the Badminton world’s Wimbledon of Tennis
    This tournament is where all of the very best players in the world are desperate to win this Trophy.
    I feel very lucky that this prestigious event is held in England.
    To be selected is real pleasure for me,and fills me with pride to work with and be a part of our fabulous Line Judging Team.

  8. says:

    Did those who wear glasses find it problematic having to wear face masks in terms of ‘fogging up’?.

  9. This is indeed very sad news. I first met Dr John B Alexander in 1989, where I asked for his help to Line Judge at the All England, Wembley Arena in London. He was very helpful, and I worked with him for 5 years when I first line judged.
    He was a strict manager, but a very kind man, and I was honoured to see him again a few years ago, and he remembered me, even after 20 plus years.
    RIP John.

  10. It was a pleasure working with John he was very dedicated to badminton, I remember our first meeting in Milton Keynes in a pub to form the association. John just asked for volunteers for the Secretary, Keith Lindsay. Treasurer Margaret Redfern and John was the Chairman that was the start of our association, The bank account was opened with 38 members paying £5 on 26th February 1996.
    So thank you John for your dedication which has been passed on to us to keep the association going from strength to strength. A dear friend . RIP

  11. I first met Dr. John Alexander when he selected me to attend the All England Championships probably 2010. He was well known for his lengthy, thorough briefings.
    I also remember him for being for kind and genuine.

  12. Marilyn Bray Marilyn Bray says:

    I met John through my late husband Allan, who was a member of John’s line judging team when I was volunteering as a steward. John needed somebody to help with getting game numbers and nameboards prepared for the line judges to take on to court with them, this was before the days of digital scoreboards, so I changed allegiance! Thoroughly enjoyed working with John at the All England and also once at Lancashire County championships at Ribby Hall. His dedication to badminton was remarkable. I remember one time at the AE, on the Saturday morning John went back to Manchester to sort out a problem we were having with the scoring cubes – long-standing members will know what I mean! He was back and we were up and running in time for the semi-finals. He also made the players’ name-boards mentioned above, with the router he used to cut them sharing his “office” at the NIA with all the paraphernalia he brought with him to make the team work. He even let me use his laptop, which at the time was a great privilege as there weren’t very many of them about. Thank you John for making my All England experiences so enjoyable and for your kindness to me over the years.

  13. Anne Spencer Anne Spencer says:

    Anne Spencer 26/03/2021..
    I met John in 1982 when he took over the job of Manageer of Line judges. He was a very clever shy guy who was, as others also say , dedicated to the sport. I worked as a score board operator , then a line judge and then as a court steward until I decided it was time to retire in about 2014. .

    When the BLJA was formed I became one of the original committee members and during the passing years many changes for the better came about many of which were down to Johns quiet efforts behind the scenes!

    Thank you John for your contribution to Badminton – I’ll miss my Christmas cards from you!!
    God go with you – rest in peace .

  14. Mavis Bryan Mavis Bryan says:

    Mavis Bryan
    I first met John at the 1993 World Championships in Birmingham. I had been recruited in a hotel swimming pool by Geoff Rofe who asked if I had volunteered, I asked what they needed, the reply was “We really need line judges and I have seen you line judge at friendly internationals”. An hour later John Gowers stuck a volunteer form in my hand and much to my surprise I was accepted. First day and I was so nervous, everyone else seemed to be very experienced – I had visions of doing everything wrong. Dr John was so kind and that was the start of our friendship. This was a true friendship; we didn’t always agree but we could respect each other’s point of view. John had a lovely sense of humour and a very generous nature. John’s dedication to Badminton was fantastic and untiring. R.I.P.

  15. says:

    I first met John at Wembley in the early 90’s and had a first taste of officiating as a scoreboard operator then as a Line Judge. I will always remember as Marilyn has said, John would be responsible for making the name boards and sticking them on with Blue Tack. On the funny side, sometimes during a match one of the name boards would come unstuck and drop off and have to be refitted.

    As Suzanne has mentioned John will also be remembered for his extensive LJ briefings with sometimes most of the briefing being dedicated to talking about the problems with generating the name boards or other problems which gave everyone an insight how much work was going on behind the scenes.

    Johns contribution to Badminton and also giving the opportunity for many Line Judges to attend major events remains a lasting tribute to him.

    Thank You for all you done over the years for our sport. RIP John

  16. Very much deserved. Thank you for all your hard work on behalf of myself and all members.

  17. Many congratulations Margaret, a truly well deserved award for one of the major contributors to our association for such a long time.

  18. says:

    Since I have known Margaret she has always been dedicated to Badminton in officiating as an Umpire, Line Judge and a dedicated supporter of Para Badminton which she is passionate about.The workload Margaret carries out for the association can sometimes be similar to having a full time job

    I remember a couple of occasions when I was Line Judging with Margaret on the same team with me being in front in the line up however this may have been the first time that I had to experience a forced “Social Distancing”. LOL

    Keep going Margaret your input to our sport and association is greatly appreciated.

  19. Mavis Bryan Mavis Bryan says:

    Mavis Bryan
    Many Congratulations Margaret, your contribution to our Association has been outstanding in so many ways, from the humble beginnings when we had to boost our finances with the raffles at the All England Championships through the fight to get grants and sponsorship, every battle won just adding to your workload. You took it all in your stride. Your dedication did. not end there, Abby has mentioned many of these in your citation but I would like to add my thanks for the encouragement you gave to young members and finally for your friendship and all the laughter we shared along the way.

  20. Anne Spencer Anne Spencer says:

    I am pleased for you Margaret, an acknowledgement well deserved.
    Anne Spencer.

  21. A well deserved tribute to a lovely lady. Congratulations Margaret, I am so pleased for you

  22. Kevin OBrien Kevin OBrien says:

    I’ve only been a line judge for a handful of years and don’t know Margaret as well as many of the members, but I’ve had first hand experience of not only what an asset she is to our Association, but what kind of person she is as well.

    A couple of years ago I had been selected to go to Denmark, my first overseas tournament and something I was very much looking forward to. Sadly, a couple of weeks before, there was a personal tragedy in my then partners family and I didn’t feel it appropriate to leave her and her children at such an emotional time.

    I was obviously disappointed not to be going to Denmark but also aware of how close to the event I was having to back out.

    Margaret made me feel very comfortable with this, took care of notifying the Danish Association and took everything out of my hands in terms of anything that needed to be done. It was a real weight lifted at a difficult time and certainly something I won’t forget.

    I’m sure there are more spectacular stories around Margaret over the years, but on a personal note this is something I will always thank Margaret for. Congrats on our recognition Margaret. Well deserved.

  23. says:

    Margaret I was very pleased to see you receive Hon Life Membership at the AGM. You have worked tirelessly for the Association over many years and this recognition is well deserved.

  24. Carol Webb Carol Webb says:

    What I remember about those crazy few years working with John as our leader. The ‘tiny room’ that he had to work how he managed I do not know! His fridge(!}, blue tac, yellow score boards, and everything else besides. Getting us to stand in height order when the silverware was presented to the winners, ( in those days we could – John’s idea). His meetings so early!!. The day the key to his room got lost. (Us oldies will remember that one).
    But I always remember John would look after us, made sure that we were ok and fought our corner.
    Thanks John for everyone you did.
    Rest in peace

  25. Congratulations to Kate and Suzanne, on an outstanding achievement in getting all things Line Judge related so correct, precise and successful.
    As members we are lucky to have such great leaders in our team, who are willing to put so much of their time into getting things right and accurate, and making the line judges lives easier, so they can focus on going out their and doing the business on court.

  26. John Walsh John Walsh says:

    Congratulations Margaret well deserved for all your hard work.

  27. Janet Smith Janet Smith says:

    Congratulations Margaret. Thanks for all the time, dedication and energy you have contributed. A well-deserved award. Jan

  28. Ajay Shah Ajay Shah says:

    Congratulations Margaret. A well deserved recognition for all hard work over past many years.

  29. Anne Morden Anne Morden says:

    Well done Margaret. I have always wondered how you managed to keep going all these years in what I consider to be the most difficult post on a committee. You have shown incredible dedication to the Association and badminton in general. Your love of parabadminton has been plain to everyone and you have done some great work in helping to raise its profile. We have had some fun times at events including overseas ones. The last was in Austria where we had an enjoyable time sharing a room. This is a well deserved award and I am glad to know that you won’t have to collect your own fees anymore.

  30. says:

    This is truly a well deserved recognition, Margaret ! Heartfelt Congratulations ! I may add that you are renowned well over the UK (or should I say Welsh ?) borders, and for many line judges (and umpires) across Europe, your name is forever linked to the All England event …

    Congrats again !

  31. Congratulations Margaret. A well deserved recognition for all hard work over past many years . well deserve she work hard last 25 year.

  32. says:

    Congratulations Margaret. This award is well deserved recognition for all your voluntary work for the and behalf of the Association.

  33. David Dodds David Dodds says:

    Congratulations Margaret. Well Deserved award
    Services to Badminton very much apreciated

  34. says:

    From Kaushik Raja:
    “It’s the best ever present awarded to the most well deserved and a worthy winner of all time. Margaret well and truly deserved such an accolade for an invaluable contribution to the association over the years. I wish her all the very best for her future career years ahead with the association”.

  35. Carol Webb Carol Webb says:

    Dear Margaret
    Well done and deserved.
    From Pam, Grace and Carol xxx and ((Hugs))

  36. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    This is a truly deserved recognition for your tireless effort over the years congratulations are definitely in order.You have shown commitment over and above the requirements. You deal with people with friendship, compassion and empathy.
    I am please to know you as my friend.
    Beat wishes
    Andy x

  37. Carol those were special memories to look back on that room was a disaster area but he knew where everything was.
    I remember cleaning up for him on many occasions BUT there was always food and drink if anyone need it.
    Also we were invited to a barbecue at John’s house one year endless food, he was special and very very clever.

  38. Carol Webb Carol Webb says:

    Yes Margaret ‘that room’ as you say memories ❤️

  39. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    A big thank you and congratulations are in order for a great team.
    Kate and Suzanne, You genuinely did a truly spectacular Job.
    Between you, in the middle of a pandemic you managed to pull off the most unusual AE competition our organisation has ever had to contend with.
    In your own inimitable way, you managed to fend off and deal with what ever was required for a seamless tournament.
    Covid protocols, and delayed test results, last minute change requests on procedures were still briefed efficiently and the teams of line judges, even though in isolation, were under no illusion what, when and where their responsibilities lay.
    Malcolm Banham summed it up in his thanks and emotional final brief on Finals day, When he brought the Umpires to us to applaud our effort and show that we are One Team.
    From a personal point of view. I am very proud to be a member of our team.
    Once again thank you for the tremendous amount of work that you put in over the whole of last year to make the AE happen.

  40. says:

    Thank you for the info.

  41. says:

    Thanks for he info.

  42. says:

    Excellent report Bhai Sab.
    Well done buddy, keep up the good work as always.

  43. Thank you Anne once again another wonderful newsletter. You evidently put a lot of time in presenting the association with such fantastic reading and information. Thank you again it is greatly appreciated.

  44. A brilliant newsletter, thank you

  45. says:

    What a great read, yet again. Thank you to all contributors and to Anne for putting it together. Really enjoyed reading about how the AE finally came together and the trials and tribulations.

    Congratulations to Margaret Redfern on her Life Membership. Thoroughly deserved.

  46. says:

    Thanks Anne for all the effort you have put in to produce the news letter. Much appreciated !

  47. John Miskin John Miskin says:

    Just finished reading the news letter. Margaret’s achievements are amazing. I was one of the volunteers for the Para Badminton World Championships 2015. After 2 days training I started line judging. Wish I done it sooner.
    Well done Anne, I just love reading about the early days of line judging.
    John Miskin

  48. says:

    Thank you for the info


  49. says:

    Thank you for the info.


  50. says:

    Thanks Vicky, all information gratefully received!
    Best regards ,
    Sue Oldershaw

  51. Ruben Nortey Ruben Nortey says:

    Thanks for the info Vicky.

  52. Thanks for the info Vicky. Chris steeden.

  53. craig muir craig muir says:

    Hi Vicky. Got an email from badminton england asking for volunteers for this. Should I complete or wait to hear from you specifically about line judges?
    Best wishes

    • Dear Craig,

      Please ignore this, it isn’t a line judge expression of interest request, that will come shortly but will be directly from our association.


  54. I would like the same team as 2021. They worked well and efficiently

  55. says:

    I would like to apply for the position of Deputy Manager because I believe that I have all the relevant experience required for this position.

    I have knowledge of the BLJA members as I have been on the Committee for several years.

  56. May the best team win, which if previous years is anything to go by, they certainly will

  57. Ruben Nortey Ruben Nortey says:

    We have a winning formula.

  58. Rajesh Rahul Rajesh Rahul says:

    Thank you for
    The update.

  59. hi Abby i would like to attend this event

  60. Sue Mobsby Sue Mobsby says:

    I can be there Abby – Sue Mobsby

  61. craig muir craig muir says:

    Many thanks Vicky

  62. Hi Abby, I’m free on 1st August. I would like to volunteer for this event.

    Many thanks ,

    Bernard Lorenzo

  63. says:

    Hello Ladies
    I have completed the form and sent it.
    Hope you have received it and please kindly consider giving me the opportunity to line judge.
    I shall make a concerted effort to do my utmost level best to do line judging at the best of my ability and know-how.
    Thank you for your kind and sympathetic consideration.


  64. says:

    Please count me in.


  65. says:

    Hi Abby
    I realised that I just forgot to mention that I am still on crutches since I had a major Right Hip Bone surgery a result of a fall at work.
    However, I may or may not be on crutches on the day of the Senior Gold Tournament.
    I thought that I should inform you, so that you are aware, though I would still love to line judge.
    Thank you for your support.


  66. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    Hi Suzanne and Mike
    I’m sorry but at present I am unavailable for this one as I hope to be reunited with my son his wife and my 2 grandsons. they are hoping to fly into Heathrow from Germany that week… Fingers crossed as all depends on Covid restrictions.
    I hope all goes well with the Nationals…Good luck. see you soon

  67. says:

    I would like to line judge at the above mentioned Tournament.
    I am on the crutches at the moment as a result of a fall at work causing a broken right hip bone injury.
    However, I may or may not be off the crutches on the days of the Tournament.
    NB: Hopefully, I hope with gods grace I am off them and able to participate, and will do my utmost level best to line judge to the best of my ability and knowhow.

    Thank you both kindly for your kind support.

    • Dear Kaushik,

      You cannot apply to be a Line Judge using Comments to a Post, you have to fill in the Application Form and in the Comments field, provide additional information.


  68. says:

    I will keep updating you both of my progress.


  69. Rajesh Rahul Rajesh Rahul says:

    Hi, I have had issues on here please can you let me know if you had my first request to add me on for the interest for the Nationals. I did this few weeks ago, I have not had acknowledgment, thanks and regards Rajesh Rahul

  70. Tony Godfrey Tony Godfrey says:

    Well spotted Horace. I see they are still wearing ties. When was the last time we had to wear them at the All England?
    Tony Godfrey

  71. says:

    I noticed on the first day the players were slipping & falling in two of your matches. Were you on Mopping ! !

  72. says:

    Hello Abby
    I hope you are well and safe.
    I thought I should inform you that although I have started my physio sessions, I don’t think I should risk taking part in the tournament.
    My sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused.
    Thank you so much for your support.

  73. Selections have been made and emails sent out.
    Please check your inbox and junk and respond via email.

  74. What are the dates of these please, unless I have missed them

  75. Andrew Elias Andrew Elias says:

    French and Belgium Opens taking place in the same week?? Coronavirus seemingly still continues to do/cause strange things to happen …..

  76. I thought both France and Belgium are back on the red list, thus necessitating quarantine on return to the UK

  77. Please can you let me know What is dates for all above and where events? you can send me email or text.

  78. Hi Vicky,
    This is Srinivas Parthasarathy, I am one of the Line Judge. I am not sure if I had put my name forward. Can you please check and let me know if I am in the Mix? if not, can I put my name forward.

    Warm Regards,

  79. I have known Rizvan for over 10 years, and he was a very knowledgeable and genuine gentleman.
    He had a great sense of humor, a person I called my friend and my elder brother, I will miss him a lot.
    Still quite shocked by this sudden loss, as I saw him 2 weeks ago at the Nationals, where he looked well, and was his usual joking self.
    God bless and RIP mota bhai

  80. Sue Mobsby Sue Mobsby says:

    Ahh Rizzy – what a lovely man you were. We had many many laughs over the years. He will be sorely missed by all in the badminton world. My condolences to his family with hope that smiles will be back eventually when all those happy memories come to mind.

  81. says:

    I was deeply shocked to hear the sad news about Rizvan. I have known him for around 28 years through Line Judging and have found him to be a kind hearted person who would always want to help out where he could. He was a person who had a deep love for the sport of Badminton and was always keen to assist in the Training programme from the early days and will be greatly missed.
    RIP Rizvan. It has been a pleasure to know you and thank you for the service you have given to our sport.
    Gerry Lewcock
    National Training Co-ordinator
    Badminton Line Judges Association of England

  82. Paul Kodiatt Paul Kodiatt says:

    Real shock….we had so many laughs…helpful with everything…we will miss him.. RIP my friend..

  83. Dionne Curd Dionne Curd says:

    My deepest condolescences to the entire family. I pray the Lords Peace and Hope and Faith during this tough time. What a great guy Rizvan was! He would have me in stitches. You will be greatly missed my friend!!

  84. Ruben Nortey Ruben Nortey says:

    I have already accepted the invitation to be there.

  85. Hi Gerry,
    I’m interested in volunteering for this event , it is just near to where I live.


    Bernardino Lorenzo

  86. Vicky Hatton Vicky Hatton says:

    This is such a lovely, friendly event – I know Scotland really need our help with numbers to make sure the event runs, so please consider putting yourselves forward!

  87. The CE’s rise and fall was way too heavily involved with the rise and fall of the Adcocks
    No other players received that kind of support
    Thank goodness they are all gone and a new era can begin

  88. says:

    I’ll be spreading the word, & have set it to record on the day. Looking forwards to seeing the team do well.

  89. Brussy famous Did !!!!! You !!!! Do !!!!! Well !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well done all of you , at lest you were on TV I am looking forward to see how Tim Andrew, Anne and Simon give answer Vow.

  90. says:


  91. Sorry the link does not work !

  92. Ruben Nortey Ruben Nortey says:

    I will be available.

  93. Hi Depend on time of start, I am available for this event. if it is early then no. 4 hr drive to MK and 4 hr back. so I come by train
    Yunus Suleman

  94. Rajesh Rahul Rajesh Rahul says:

    Hi, please put me down for the event on the 12th December. Raj

  95. Rajesh Rahul Rajesh Rahul says:

    Hi all I am available that’s week please let me know. Raj

    • Hi Raj,

      You cannot register for any event by making a comment, you must complete and submit the registration form for all events.

      Happy New Year

  96. Abby Kumar Abby Kumar says:

    Rajesh, could you please reply via the Current Event Requests Page, thanks.

  97. Hi Abby, This is Srini and I would like to volunteer…I am unable to use the current events requests page..

  98. Can you please confirm the date of this event. The screen that displays the Event Announcement is dated 12 November 2021. The screen that displays Current Event Requests is dated 12 December 2021.

  99. Can you tell me what time this event starts and finishes please

  100. Thanks Himanshu what time does the event normally finish?

  101. Andrew Elias Andrew Elias says:

    I’m slightly confused in that it’s not immediately clear to me if you are asking for “Expressions of Interest” for any of the Oversea’s Tournaments listed above … {especially as none of them seem to be currently listed on the ‘Current Events Page’}?? In my case I’d be VERY interested in applying for the Thomas/Uber Cup Finals in Bangkok! … {Covid conditions permitting, etc}.

  102. It does say at the top “For information only – please not not reply”

  103. Hi Margaret, I would like to purchase a BLJAE top please. The size is large. Many thanks. Charles Cheung

  104. craig muir craig muir says:

    Hi Margaret. I’d like an xl top please. Best wishes, craig

  105. Wing Tsui Wing Tsui says:


    I am interested to be one of line judge for this tournament.

    If you have a space for me, please let me know ASAP.

    Kind Regards


  106. Anne Spencer Anne Spencer says:

    Well done Anne; . so pleased that you took up the challange to edit the News letters. Thanks.
    Seasons Greetings to all
    Anne Spencer .

  107. Brilliant as always Anne.

    Happy Christmas everyone and and safe and healthy 2022. It’s going to be busy. 🙂

  108. Andrew Elias Andrew Elias says:

    Yep, another good read … {and not just the article I wrote, lol}. One thing for Himanshu : Abby wrote this in his piece : “We now have a list of confirmed national events
    to May 2022 (see the BLJAofE website)”. Are we due an update soon maybe early in the new year??

    • Dear Andrew,

      Please refer to our web site and scroll down to the entry titled “FYI Only: Upcoming National Events (up to May 2022)”.


  109. Kevin OBrien Kevin OBrien says:

    Wishing you all the best and hopefully see you all soon!!

  110. Tom Cantle Tom Cantle says:

    Happy New Year to all

  111. says:

    Thanks, and all the very best to all, Sue

  112. says:

    Well done again to the committee, looking forward to a healthier New Year for all.

  113. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    Well done to all on the committee. In spite of all the restrictions you have had fabulous year and managed to put on a number of events ibckuding the All Englands congratulations to all.
    I wish everyone everybody a happy new year and all the very best for 2022.

  114. Abby Kumar Abby Kumar says:

    Thank you all for your very kind responses. We do appreciate the feedback. The All England is again proving to be challenging because of the current situation. However, we look forward to the summer and the Commonwealth Games. My personal thanks to the organisers of these 2 events, and also to all the other Committee members, who are all working hard to keep the Association moving forward.
    Abby Kumar, President

  115. says:

    Please put me in, hoping the restrictions allow.

    • Dear Doug,

      You cannot volunteer for an event using a Reply/Comment for a Post.
      Read the Post and complete the relevant Registration Form.


  116. Ruben Nortey Ruben Nortey says:

    I am available

    • Dear Ruben,

      You cannot apply for an event with a comment, read the registration page, it states this very clearly.
      Please fill in the registration form my friend.


  117. Ruben Nortey Ruben Nortey says:

    I am available.

  118. Anne Spencer Anne Spencer says:

    As I was one of the founder members I am pleased to see that the association is still active. long may it continue. Regards Anne Spencer.

  119. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    Hi all. I am sorry, but I will not be able attend the AGM zoom as I will be line judging at the Swiss open.

  120. Kevin OBrien Kevin OBrien says:

    Hi guys, had to change to apologies. Have a great meeting

  121. Congratulations everyone.

  122. Kevin OBrien Kevin OBrien says:

    Woop woop. Well done everyone

  123. Rajesh Rahul Rajesh Rahul says:

    Well done everyone

  124. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    Congratulations to all. Well done on your assessments results. A great effort all round. See you l very soon somewhere on the circuit.

  125. Congratulations to all hope you have good time and enjoye line judges,

  126. Sorry guys missing you all, umpiring at Milton Keynes for premiership weekend.

  127. John Walsh John Walsh says:

    Well done everyone

  128. Congratulations to all concerned.
    Having seen you all progress so much over the past few years, I am very glad to see your efforts and skills being rewarded.
    See you soon!

  129. Sorry I did not make it, umpiring in Perth that day

  130. Ruben Nortey Ruben Nortey says:

    Congratulations to you all. We’ll done. “Call it as you see it”

  131. Ruben Nortey Ruben Nortey says:

    My apologies, completely missed the day following family commitment

  132. Where’s “I know my place “ photo !

  133. Very sorry to read this post but, more importantly, really hope everything is OK with Martin – lovely man
    I wish him all the very best in his future endeavours
    Kathleen Cashmore

  134. Tim Leakey Tim Leakey says:

    Very sorry to hear that as Martin done an excellent job for the association. I wish him all the best

  135. says:

    Many thanks to Martin for his dedication to the role of secretary over the last 5 years. He will be a tough act to follow. Is the Committee aware, from e.g. his resignation e-mail, of any particular issues or concerns about how BLJAE operates which might have caused him to take this decision?. Having spoken to him at the Hampshire senior Gold tournament last Sunday, prior to his resignation, I’m aware that he is also very busy with his other sporting commitments (tennis & football).

  136. says:

    Sorry to hear that news,


  137. I to was talking to Martin at Winchester, he is very busy with other sporting commitments, but I do wish him well

  138. says:

    I’m very envious! Well played Paul ,

  139. Paul Kodiatt Paul Kodiatt says:

    Thanks Sue..He was very humble and spoke to us as if one of us….

  140. craig muir craig muir says:

    It’s too late for me no doubt, and I understand that the age limit is a BWF thing not BLJofE, but such an arbitrary age limit is illegal in English law, certainly in the context of employment. It seems to me that a court would conclude it is also illegal for volunteer positions. There is a well organised assessment process for line judges. This would provide an objective and legally and morally defensible filter to weed out any line judges without the right competences. I believe at the very least this argument should be put to BWF . They might change their mind but at the very least they should be asked to justify this arbitrary, discriminatory age limit.

  141. A lovely gentleman, who I became good friends with as we did the same LJ Training Course in October 2012, and we both loved our gadgets.
    I shared many AE and other tournaments with him, always a great pleasure to see Kong.
    I was sorry to see him leave us for the USA, and now he is no longer with us, I miss him even more 🙁
    I know his laughter and infectious smile will be missed by all the LJs & Umpires that knew him.
    RIP my dear friend, you left us far too early!

  142. Ruben Nortey Ruben Nortey says:

    So sorry to hear the sad news, he always has a smile when we meet and chat, my condolences to all the family.

    • George Koshy George Koshy says:

      So sad to hear this. Had more than one dinner with him in Akbar’s , he always had a smile and handled his spice well. May he rest in peace….

  143. says:

    Very saddened and shocked to hear the sad news about Kong especially as he was a still relatively young person. . He was trained by myself and Abby at Wimbledon in 2012 and went on to attend many events as described by Abby and became a valued member of our Line Judge family..

    I will miss my chats and laughs with him which we had when we met at events as he was a very likable and easy going person and always greeted you with a smile.. On the professional side, he had a doctorate in Computer Science so we would also enjoy our in depth technical chats on occasions.

    It was a pleasure to have known Kong and he will be greatly missed by all that have known him.

    R.I.P. My Friend
    National Training Co-ordinator BLJA of E

  144. Mike Spear Mike Spear says:

    Very sad news and taken far too young. As already said he was a lovely and smiley person.

    RIP Kong you will be missed by many

  145. Rajesh Rahul Rajesh Rahul says:

    I am so sad to hear of the passing of dear Kong, such a lovely man always smiling and laughing at my silly jokes and teasing. Always made the AEO fun place be. You are in my thoughts buddy, love goes out to the family, Rest up.

  146. A great shock to hear Kong had passed away, he was the perfect gentleman and a delightful person to have as a friend.
    Wonderful conversations.
    I cannot believe it was 2019 when we sat together watching the finals of All England, that was the last time we met.
    Rest in peace Kong you have left a lasting legacy behind you and inspired so many.
    Sadly missed I will always remember your smile.

  147. Paul Kodiatt Paul Kodiatt says:

    Very sad to hear this. RIP my friend…

  148. Dionne Curd Dionne Curd says:

    My condolescences to the family. Gods peace be with u during this tough time xx

  149. Tim Leakey Tim Leakey says:

    Such a shock to hear this sad news about Kong – he was always so jolly, laughing and joking. Our thoughts are with his family at this time.

  150. Janet Smith Janet Smith says:

    Lovely friendly guy. RIP

  151. RIP Susanto. It always nice to having a chat at badminton events as a line judge and umpire. Will miss. May God bless your soul. xxx

  152. Lovely words. Thank you Kristin.
    Kong will be very sadly missed. He was a wonderful gentleman.

  153. I will miss a gentle friend

  154. Marilyn Bray Marilyn Bray says:

    Good to see mention of Gill Gilks’ playing partner Margaret Beck in the article. I had forgotten that. Margaret of course is from West Cumbria. It seems that every now and again our sparsely populated northern county produces some star players, Lauren Smith being another. And in the men’s veteran game the evergreen Harry Shadwick!

  155. Don Bullough Don Bullough says:

    Like everyone else, so sad to hear this news – Kong was such a delightful character.

  156. says:

    RIP my friend.

  157. Kevin OBrien Kevin OBrien says:

    Well done Mike

  158. Tony Godfrey Tony Godfrey says:

    Good news for the Association. Hope you enjoy the job.

  159. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    Great news. Congratulations and well done Mike.
    I feel we are in safe hands once again
    Thank you

  160. Sue Mobsby Sue Mobsby says:

    Well done Mike!! 👏👏

  161. Keith Tovey Keith Tovey says:

    Good news. Thank you Mike, well done!

  162. David Dodds David Dodds says:

    Well Done Mike

  163. Congratulations Mike on the new appointment, wishing you every success

  164. Paul Booth Paul Booth says:

    Thank you, Mike.

  165. Well done and thank you for taking up this roll.


  166. The chairperson’s report is missing.

    • Andrew Elias Andrew Elias says:

      So are my ‘apologies’ for not being able to attend which I sent in by email … but of course I accept the missing Chairperson’s Report is of greater importance, lol?!

  167. Well done Abby. Well deserved

  168. Tom Cantle Tom Cantle says:

    Well done Abby. It is well deserved

  169. Paul Kodiatt Paul Kodiatt says:

    Congratulations..very happy to learn this..

  170. Paul Booth Paul Booth says:

    Great, Abby – well done and thanks for all your work for BLJA over so many years

  171. Kevin OBrien Kevin OBrien says:

    Nice one Abby, well done.

  172. Anne Spencer Anne Spencer says:

    Congratulations Abby
    Anne spencer

  173. Congrats you deserve it.

  174. John Walsh John Walsh says:

    Congratulations Abby

  175. Janet Smith Janet Smith says:

    Well deserved Abby. Congratulations.

  176. Sue Mobsby Sue Mobsby says:

    Something you deserve Abby – many congratulations. X Sue Mobsby

  177. Congratulations Abby. A well deserved nomination.

  178. Tony Godfrey Tony Godfrey says:

    This is very good news and ensures line judge representation at the top level. 😊

  179. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    This is wonderful news. Congratulations Abby, it is fitting recognition and well deserved, all your hard work has not gone unnoticed. Well done.🤗👍

  180. says:

    Well done, congratulations

  181. says:

    Really pleased for you Abby, no one deserves it more.

  182. John Miskin John Miskin says:

    Well done and definitely deserved.

  183. Abby Kumar Abby Kumar says:

    Dear Friends, I am so overwhelmed by the responses received since Kate posted the news. Thank you all so much, I will treasure your kind comments. Badminton England have been very kind in voting me into this position, and I am delighted that I can continue to attend BE meetings and have a say in its administration. In recent years Kate has joined me in meetings with the BE CEO and Chairman, and we also work closely with Mark Downie and Chris Miller on major and national events. This is good for our Association, and it keeps us on BE’s radar. I know that we have sufficient talent in our committee for us to continue this close link with BE into the future. Thank you all so much. My best wishes to you, and your families, for a safe and healthy future.

  184. Look forward to a 3:00 am finish again !

  185. Well done, Abby! A long time coming and very much deserved. Congrats.

  186. Tony Godfrey Tony Godfrey says:

    I see that the BWF have upped the prize money to $1 million and Super 1000 status has also been granted to China, Indonesia and Malaysia. I’m guessing that they want to split the first round over two days to bring in extra revenue. But if they want to expand by having an extra round, Martin’s nightmare may become true.

  187. Great news Abby, well done

  188. Well done Abby and so well deserved.

  189. Well done everyone, you all did all of us proud!. I wonder if anyone can help, if any of you who were at Birmingham have a spare polo shirt medium size, please could you consider sending it to me – I will of course pay postage

  190. It was an absolute privilege to be part of such an amazing team x

  191. Tom Cantle Tom Cantle says:

    Yes i agree with all above. My thanks to the terrible trio of Vickty, Kate and Suzanne who ran the shop well. Good time had by all (except those in purgutory)

  192. Not sure if this an event that happened in June or one that’s happening in September

  193. Hi Mike I am interested in line judging in this event. Reggie

  194. Hi Mike I am interested in line judging at this event

    • Mike Spear Mike Spear says:

      Srinivas could you please log in and request via the events page, so I get the email expression of interest



  195. Wing Tsui Wing Tsui says:

    Hi Mike I am interested in Line Judging at this event. (From Wing Tsui)

  196. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    Hi Mike
    I’m interested in this event please consider me for selection

    • Mike Spear Mike Spear says:

      Andy could you please log in and request via the events page, so I get the email expression of interest



  197. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    Hi Himanshu
    Wow that is a comprehensive view of what happened in Birmingham.
    I has a ball at the Commonwealth Games It was a pleasure to work and share with a great bunch of people.
    I would have liked to say “ You missed a bit” but you didn’t. fab memories.
    Well done .

  198. Chen Cheng Chen Cheng says:

    Great pictures Himanshu, thanks for sharing!

  199. Kate Rowlatt Kate Rowlatt says:

    Its great to see how much you can pack into 2 weeks.

  200. WOW brilliant xx

  201. Sue Mobsby Sue Mobsby says:

    I can help at this event Mike if you need more judges! Sue M

  202. John Walsh John Walsh says:

    Can you please put my name forward for this event.
    Thanks John

  203. I’m available for both days with overnight stay.

  204. Chen Cheng Chen Cheng says:

    Para championship is on the 11th Dec, which is the same day as the Senior Nationals?

  205. Abby Kumar Abby Kumar says:

    Yes, that is correct. It is Badminton England’s scheduling.

  206. It’s a shame, I would like to have volunteered for the para championships, but cannot travel on the 10th, so cannot get to Sheffield for the 11th

  207. Cheng Li Cheng Li says:

    Do we have a rough idea about schedule/finish time on the 11th Dec for the Senior Nationals?

  208. Abby Kumar Abby Kumar says:

    No firm timings as yet Cheng, but I am working on 09.00 start and 16.00 finish. I am liaising with BE to get full details confirmed by end of Sept. I will get back to all those who have expressed an interest by that time.

  209. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    Please consider me for selection

  210. Paul Kodiatt Paul Kodiatt says:

    My son Alex Kodiatt is interested in becoming a Line Judge. Pl let me know next steps. Thank you

    • Kate Rowlatt Kate Rowlatt says:

      Paul, your son can apply via this website – how to become a line judge, and details of courses will be sent through to him. Thanks

  211. Excellent memories Himanshu, thank you

  212. I have already applied, but need to change my availability – now only available for the 17th and 18th

  213. Tom Cantle Tom Cantle says:

    Dates shown on the current events page for the Welsh Intl show start date as 26th November. Above notification shows start date as 29th November ?

  214. Hi Kate can you send some details about line judging to Manjula, Nagraj and Tanvi to There will probably be 3 of them. Also to Aparna maganty at thanks

  215. Sue Mobsby Sue Mobsby says:

    Well done Mike. The new haircut sealed it!! Sue M

  216. says:

    Well done and well deserved

  217. George Koshy George Koshy says:

    Congratulations Mike, well done…

  218. Congratulations young man, welcome to the BWF ITO Club.

  219. Simon Ewins Simon Ewins says:

    Congratations Mike , excellent news!

  220. Chen Cheng Chen Cheng says:

    Congrats Mike!

  221. Keith Tovey Keith Tovey says:

    Congratulations Mike, well deserved

  222. Paul Booth Paul Booth says:

    Congratulations, Mike. Well done.

  223. Tony Godfrey Tony Godfrey says:

    Look forward to seeing you on BWF TV. Congrats Mike.

  224. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    Congratulations Mike. I hope you get selections as good as mine. I have had a wonderful time with BWF. Enjoy

  225. Congratulations Mike… Well deserved..

  226. Ruben Nortey Ruben Nortey says:

    Hey Mike, congratulations.

  227. Ruben Nortey Ruben Nortey says:

    Please consider me for this event when dates are confirmed

  228. Congratulations Mike !

  229. Kevin OBrien Kevin OBrien says:

    Big shoes to fill!! Congrats on setting the standard for the future Kate.

  230. George Koshy George Koshy says:

    It was great working with you over the years, was looking forward to seeing you this time as well. Good luck with everything…

  231. Thanks Kate for everything you have done xx

  232. John Walsh John Walsh says:

    Congratulations Mike

  233. John Walsh John Walsh says:

    Thanks for all your hard work, will miss you

  234. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    It has been a great pleasure working with you and for you over the years. Congratulations on your achievements with Badminton England with regards to the Line Judge and AE tournament itself for the last seven years. You will be a hard act to follow.
    I hope you will still join us on the lines.

    • Thank you Kate, for all the years of hard work that you have put into making the All England Tournament a pleasurable experience for me. I really appreciate your efforts

      Thank you.

  235. Janet Smith Janet Smith says:

    Well done Kate, always calm and approachable. Thanks for all your hard work.

  236. Tom Cantle Tom Cantle says:

    i have nothing extra to add to all the above accoladaes. We will miss you

  237. It’s been fabulous working with you Kate as your deputy. I’ve learnt so much from you; not only about the event but about how to interact with our wonderful linejudges, the umpires and Referees and the BE staff.
    Like Abby says, your work load would be starting about now, so you’ve got some time available to fulfil other ambitions. Enjoy your well deserved break.
    Thank you.

  238. I hope the future works out for you, but good luck to your successor

  239. Sue Mobsby Sue Mobsby says:

    What will be do without you canal Kate!!!

  240. Thank you Kate, for all the years of hard work that you have put into making the All England Tournament a pleasurable experience for me. I really appreciate your efforts. will miss you Kate.
    Thank you

  241. I remember when I did my first AE event I felt very nervous but on meeting Kate and her team at the venue I knew I would be okay, as Kate and team were approachable. I have attended the AE a few times now and I know everything is so well organised and a great event to attend.
    Thanks for all your help over the years and will be missed.
    Thanks again Kate

  242. Kate , I know the stresses and I am extremely sorry you have made the decision to step down. I do hope that you will carry on as a line person. All the best and keep in touch.

  243. Paul Booth Paul Booth says:

    Kate, many thanks for all your hard work and efforts over the last six years – we go back a lot longer than that. It has been a pleasure working with you. You made the All England a really worthwhile experience and I am sure many of us are grateful for that. I wish you well for the future.

  244. Thank you, Kate, and best wishes !

  245. Anne Spencer Anne Spencer says:

    As usual an excellent news letter – thanks Anne M
    Anne S

  246. Paul Kodiatt Paul Kodiatt says:

    Excellent News Letter…Thank you..

  247. Chen Cheng Chen Cheng says:

    Thanks Anne. Does anyone know what brand were the synthetic feather shuttles used for the BWF tournaments?

    I like the idea of synthetic feather shuttles but haven’t found any that have been close enough to feathers for feel/flight.

  248. Anne Morden Anne Morden says:

    Yonex were the ones developed and approved with BWF so i assume they are the ones that would be used in BWF approved events. The shuttles do look very much like feather ones.
    Anne Morden

  249. Hi Abby,
    Congratulations you have my support , if you want it. Good to have you back

  250. Janet Smith Janet Smith says:

    Well done, Abby and Sue.

  251. Tony Godfrey Tony Godfrey says:

    Having just seen both messages, I sorry to see that Kate cannot continue, but it must be an arduous and time consuming job dealing with Badminton England and organising the judges for this premier event. Thanks to both Abby and Sue for stepping up to manage the AE line judges at short notice.

  252. Tony Godfrey Tony Godfrey says:

    Interesting article on artificial shuttles, but I wouldn’t be keen on making the goose redundant!

  253. George Koshy George Koshy says:

    All the very best Abby, happy to support in anyway…

  254. All the best Abby & Sue

  255. Vinay Kumar Vinay Kumar says:

    Thanks for sharing the news letter. Interesting topic about the sustainability of shuttles. Glad to know that badminton world is thinking and putting things into motion to make this sport more sustainable and economical.

    Change in right direction is good, although I agree on the point of difference in feel and trajectory. However if this change allows more clubs to survive and continue to play, it should be welcomed and promoted whole heartedly.

  256. Paul Kodiatt Paul Kodiatt says:

    Nice to see you back Abby…all support from me to you and the team…

  257. John Walsh John Walsh says:

    Hi unfortunately due to circumstances I will not be able to attend this event.

  258. says:

    Well come back Abbey and Sue

  259. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    Happy to have you back. Well done.

  260. Congratulations Abby and Sue!

  261. Sue Mobsby Sue Mobsby says:

    Sorry can’t find the EOI form (!!) but would like to be considered for the All England 2023

  262. Sue Mobsby Sue Mobsby says:

    Found it!!!!!!!!

  263. Dear Sue,

    I see you found the “here” link 🙂

    H x

  264. I’ve completed the E01 form but don’t think the Submit button worked. Can my interest be acknowledged please. Thanks

  265. Hi Pam I did the same twice so I tried the 3rd time without a space for the mobile number.

  266. Abby Kumar Abby Kumar says:

    Sue and Reggie, I have received your forms.
    Pam, I am still awaiting yours.

  267. Abby Kumar Abby Kumar says:

    Thank you all for your messages of support. As I mentioned, we are all working together to deliver a successful tournament. That is the aim of all of us. With such great support, especially from Kate and Suzanne, I know we can do it!

  268. Kate Rowlatt Kate Rowlatt says:

    Thank you everyone for your kind words. It was a very difficult decision to make but I am still line judging, so I hope to see you all around the circuit soon. I wish Abby and Sue all the best for the 2023 All England, it’s a lot of hard work and stressful at times but I know you will deliver a great line judge experience at the All England next year.

  269. says:

    Wishing Abby and Sue all the very best in the running of this event.

  270. Abby Kumar Abby Kumar says:

    Pam, your form has been received.

  271. Wing Tsui Wing Tsui says:

    Hi Abby

    I cannot found the EOI form from web site — Can you send me a copy of the form?


    Wing Tsui

  272. Wing Tsui Wing Tsui says:

    Hi Abby

    Sorry – I found the form now

  273. Mike Spear Mike Spear says:

    Senior Nationals to those that have volunteered I will try and acknowledge your application on the weekend.

    Also need some additional LJs for Saturday evening if you could spare the time I would certainly appreciate it.


  274. Abby Kumar Abby Kumar says:

    Thanks Wing, I have received your form.

  275. Sue Mobsby Sue Mobsby says:

    I could help at the Under 19’s on Nov 27 Abby! I haven’t anything written down for that date so am OK! Sue M

  276. craig muir craig muir says:

    I could do 23 oct middx gold

  277. Kate,
    If you are desperately short then I can help on the 16th and 17th , but sorry it ismy anniversary on the 18th

  278. Mike Spear Mike Spear says:

    Pauline Martindale

    My email to you keeps getting bounced back, guess it’s your spam filter.

    Can you email please for the nationals



  279. Ruben Nortey Ruben Nortey says:

    Sure I will be available and expresses my interest.

  280. Paul Booth Paul Booth says:

    This is a really generous bequest by John and reflects his tremendous commitment over so many years to Badminton, BA of E, and in particular our Association of Line Judges. Thank you, John and I am sure the money will be used wisely in his name.

  281. I agree it was his idea, built and executed by him. just to start could we not have some title of this web site with his name and acknowledgement. Surely we could start by having something permanent to him.

  282. Marilyn Bray Marilyn Bray says:

    Better late than never to respond but as usual great newsletter. Birmingham did look wonderful snd I said to myself while watching that I hoped it was better organised than Glasgow which Horace touched on in his report. I was in the player info area amid reams of unnecessary paperwork that no team ever collected, the food was awful and i never saw any live badminton. That said. GLASGOW made the hassle well worth it, i met some great folk and thanks to Davina we had a lovely place to stay!!

  283. Could you please pass on my condolences , as Doug was a great friend of mine, he is quite local to me and have known him for a very long time.
    By best wishes go to his family , his whit and companionship will be greatly missed.

  284. Tony Godfrey Tony Godfrey says:

    I’ve known Doug for almost 30 years, having seen him each year at the All England in Birmingham and a few other events. Doug never had a bad word to say and it was a pleasure to know him.

  285. Hi, so sorry to hear this sad news, could you please send condolences to his wife and family.
    I also knew Doug and he had been to Scotland a few times, also at the AE too.

  286. Such sad news, he will be sorely missed.

  287. Marilyn Bray Marilyn Bray says:

    Very sad news. Please pass on my condolences to Doug’s family. I have known Doug for many years through the AE,Scottish and other events and shared some good times, he was very good company.

  288. Sad news indeed. Doug was a true gentleman and a very kind soul. I knew him through the AE over many years. Please send my condolences to his family .

  289. Carol Webb Carol Webb says:

    Such sad news, known Doug since the days of Wembley. He was a true gentleman, and a cheerful since of humour. Please pass on our condolences (from the Volunteers team @ the AE.)

  290. Janet Smith Janet Smith says:

    Lovely man, always friendly and smiling. Condolences to his family

  291. very sad news he was good gentlemen and very friendly always have time to talk sadly missed him condolences 🙏 to his family 👪

  292. Very sad news indeed, a real gentlemen with a unique sense of humour, and I spent many a time discussing technology and various line judge rules an behavior. I hope he RIP and my deepest condolences to his family.

  293. says:

    I remember meeting Doug at my first ever tournament abroad in Basel, Switzerland where we shared a room. He was a regular visitor there and I think it was one of his favourite tournaments. In addition to the badminton. He was a lovely soft spoken gentleman. I too send my condolences to his widow and family. RIP Doug.

    • Andrew Elias Andrew Elias says:

      I too remember Doug being my room mate at the Swiss Open in Basel {March 2015} and yes, I think this tournament was one of his favourites! I also echo yours and all the other comments made to him being a really nice person and was sorry to hear the sad news of his passing. RIP Doug!

  294. Mavis Bryan Mavis Bryan says:

    So sorry to hear this sad news but so many memories of a kind and sensitive gentleman. My condolences to his family, RIP Doug

  295. My deepest condolences on the loss of your dear husband Jim, I am sure your devotion and daily time with him went a long way in helping him feel your love and care, during his illness. Take care and you are in my thoughts, and of course Jim lives on in your and your families heart. Love Himanshu 🙏🏾

  296. Rajesh Rahul Rajesh Rahul says:

    I am so sorry for your loss and I am sending you 100 hugs your way. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  297. Mike Spear Mike Spear says:

    My deepest condolences to Margaret and family at this sad time

  298. Tim Leakey Tim Leakey says:

    So sorry to hear of your loss Margaret- deepest condolences

  299. Vinay Kumar Vinay Kumar says:

    Sorry to know about your loss. Deepest condolences.

  300. Dear Margaret, Sorry to hear about your sad loss. My deepest condolences to you and your family.

  301. Simon Ewins Simon Ewins says:

    I’m sorry to hear this my deepest condolences to Margaret and her family at this sad time.

  302. so sorry to hear my deepest condolences Margaret and family

  303. So sorry for your loss. Deepest condolences to you and your family

  304. Carol Webb Carol Webb says:

    Condolences Margaret, and Faimiy x
    From Pam, Grace and Carol xxx

  305. Margaret, such sad news, my thoughts are with you and your family at this very sad time for you all xxxx

  306. Vijay Handa Vijay Handa says:

    So sorry to hear about your loss. My deepest condolences.

  307. Tony Godfrey Tony Godfrey says:

    May your happy memories of Jim give you peace and comfort.

  308. Janet Smith Janet Smith says:

    So sorry to hear of your loss, Margaret. Wishing you peace and happy memories. xx

  309. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    Margaret, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of you husband Jim. You are in my thought at this sad time. Deepest condolences for both you andy your family.xx

  310. Deepest condolences Margaret to you and your family. Thoughts are with you at this very sad time. ❤️Xx

  311. Margaret, so sorry to hear of your loss, my thought are with you at this difficult time. Chris

  312. Paul Booth Paul Booth says:

    Dear Margaret, very sorry to learn of this sad news. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.

  313. Kevin OBrien Kevin OBrien says:

    Sorry to read this Margaret, thinking of you x

  314. Mavis Bryan Mavis Bryan says:

    to youand your family

  315. Keith Tovey Keith Tovey says:

    So sad to hear of your loss, Margaret, my thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time

  316. Paul Kodiatt Paul Kodiatt says:

    Sad to hear the news… our deepest condolences

  317. Sue Baker Sue Baker says:

    I’m so sorry to hear of your news, Margaret. Thinking of you.

  318. Sue Baker Sue Baker says:

    Congratulations Stuart! Sue

  319. Chen Cheng Chen Cheng says:

    Congrats Stu!

  320. Congrats Stuart and family. Another budding line judge!

  321. Sad news Margaret, my condolences for your loss

  322. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    Congratulations Stuart & Eleena. Great early Christmas present for you both….Enjoy

  323. says:

    R.I.P Tony

  324. Mike Spear Mike Spear says:

    Congratulations Stuart and Eleena. Welcome little Axel

  325. Tim Leakey Tim Leakey says:

    Congratulations Stuart

  326. Tony Godfrey Tony Godfrey says:

    Excellent news. Won’t be long before he is running around a Badminton court.

  327. Congratulations Stuart… how wonderful…

  328. Good Gentleman sad to hear we lost good friend R.I.P Tony

  329. Congratulation Stuart !!!!!!!!!!!!!Dad!!!!!!!!

  330. Keith Tovey Keith Tovey says:

    What a wonderful Christmas gift, congratulations Stuart.

  331. RIP Doug, Switzerland will miss you too. I sent a card on behalf of the association to his wife.

  332. Congratulations to you both 🍼🍼

  333. R.I.P Tony, fond memories of our time at Scottish International and celebrations in the apartment, with Owen & Freda, Mavis & Michael & Marilyn.

  334. Congratulations to you all. Wonderful news. Happy Christmas to you all. Xx

  335. so gorgeous. many congratulations to you all xxx

  336. George Koshy George Koshy says:

    Congratulations Stuart, hope the dad club treats you well

  337. R.I.P Tony. Deepest condolences to the family and friends.

  338. Congratulations to the both of you!

  339. John Miskin John Miskin says:

    Congratulations to all of the Glasgow family. 👶

  340. congratulations he is beautiful 👶

  341. John Miskin John Miskin says:

    A very Merry Christmas to the committee and thanks for all the hard work you do on our behalf.

  342. Vinay Kumar Vinay Kumar says:


  343. Vinay Kumar Vinay Kumar says:

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year wishes to everyone. Thank you for welcoming me into this wonderful (with some lunatics 😀 ) community. I have had the privilege of line judging at 3 events this year since becoming a line judge, 1 national and 2 International events. Wealth of experience gained in these events with valuable feedback from peers, umpires and Referee’s.

    Look forward to 2023!
    Stay safe and enjoy the festivities!

  344. Abby Kumar Abby Kumar says:

    Thanks Anne for another excellent Newsletter. And thanks Andrew for a really interesting article. A great mix of badminton and travel!

  345. Merry Christmas everyone, I hope to be back with you in 2023, after having to drop out of a few tournaments due to illness in 2022, but hey, onwards and upwards

  346. Hey I just looked up and realised it’s 12.10am….Christmas Day!! Have a safe and healthy one everybody and a blessed New Year.

  347. Carol Webb Carol Webb says:

    Compliments of the Season!

  348. Tony Godfrey Tony Godfrey says:

    Will be delighted to see you again.

  349. Take care Margaret, and may you too find peace

  350. Kevin OBrien Kevin OBrien says:

    See you soon Margaret, thoughts are with you x

  351. Thinking of YOU at this very sad time Maurice

  352. Ruben Nortey Ruben Nortey says:

    You are in our thought Margaret, Rest in Peace Jim.

  353. I will be in the crowd cheering you on Margaret! Best wishes x.

  354. Dionne Curd Dionne Curd says:

    Your gonna be just fine Margaret!! Keep going and you shall get through this time much stronger through it!! Love Yas xxx

  355. I wholeheartedly back your chairperson as I have tried to pull back on my volunteering and even tried to retire , but I am having to volunteer to fill in the lack of attendance . Please support the association.

  356. I will happily support the association when I’m either not at work or have nothing else going on. My only issue is that most of the events are over an hour away and as we don’t, unfortunately, get incentive such as petrol per mile it’s not, for most of the time, worth my drive to break even

  357. Vinay Kumar Vinay Kumar says:

    Sorry to hear but I wish you and your family good health. See you in Birmingham.

  358. Hi Old friend ,
    I am so sorry to hear this, but I have been telling you that youi work too hard for a few years now. Please give my regards to your family and enjoy your now retirement. Do not act like me and return because you miss the companionship, stay resolute.


  359. Sue Mobsby Sue Mobsby says:

    O Abby – you will be so missed. But it is completely understandable that family comes first. Thank you for all you have done over so many years. Always a true gentleman in both senses of the word!

  360. Dionne Curd Dionne Curd says:

    Abby I will soooooooo….miss you…you have been such an inspiration and encouragement since day one and wont forget the love and support you have poured into my training and development, up to this point.
    I wish you all the very best for the future
    god bless you

  361. Paul Booth Paul Booth says:

    Thank you, Abby for your unstinting service over so many years. Your commitment and passion has been second to none. I wish you peace and good health for you and your family.

  362. Tony Godfrey Tony Godfrey says:

    Abby, you can look back at the extraordinary improvements to the Association and our welfare that you have contributed to over the years. Your flawless management of our team at the 2012 Olympics is one of the highlights not to be forgotten. I look forward to seeing you again at this year’s All England.

  363. Sorry to hear that Abby. Hope all goes well in the future for you and your family.

  364. John Miskin John Miskin says:

    You will be sorely missed. Many thanks for all the help and advice that you have given me. Bless you and your family.

  365. Janet Smith Janet Smith says:

    You have done a brilliant job, Abby. Best wishes for a happy retirement.

  366. Dear Abby, Thank you so much for everything you have done for us. My thoughts are with you and your family xxxx

  367. Dear Abby
    I wish you and your family well for the future, and thank you for your support for the Association in general, but personal support in particular.
    You were the one who gave me the chance to start my Line Judging career, I will always be grateful for that, for giving me the opportunity to meet some lovely people and be involved in something that I really enjoy – thank you and good luck

  368. I will miss you Abby. You have been a wonderful support to me over many years. Take care and love and best wishes to your family xxx

  369. Rajesh Rahul Rajesh Rahul says:

    I can only do the Sunday if that’s any good

    • Kate Rowlatt Kate Rowlatt says:

      Rajesh if you still put in an EOI but state this in the comments it can then be passed on to the event manager when appointed

  370. Dear Abby,

    You are an absolute legend and a real credit to Badminton England!
    You have conducted yourself par excellence that can only be emulated by others; never surpassed. Thank you for your encouragement and support over the years! Fantastic memories during the 2011 World Championships followed by the London 2012 Olympics – Wonderful memories walking along the Embankment; being entertained during matches. I will cherish the pictures taken together.
    Take care and best wishes to you and your family.

  371. Tony Godfrey Tony Godfrey says:

    At time of writing, parking at Redbridge Sports Centre costs £2.20 for the whole of Sunday opening hours. There is a wall-mounted tablet in the reception area. Payment is by credit or debit card only.

    If arriving at the Forest Road entrance, drive past the first car park, past the indoor tennis hall and into the second car park. The badminton is being held in the Jean Brown Indoor Arena.

  372. Can I put my name forward for this one please

  373. Abby Kumar Abby Kumar says:

    Dear friends, thank you so much for all the lovely messages. I can’t tell you how much they mean to me. Over the many years that I have been involved in officiating, it is the friendships I that I have made that I treasure most. Seeing my friends is always the most enjoyable part of attending an event. I will follow the Association’s progress closely and I wish it the very best for the future.
    To all my dear friends, good luck, good health and enjoy the game!

  374. Please register my apologies for the A G M as I will be away on holiday at that time

  375. Andrew Elias Andrew Elias says:

    Can you ‘register apologies’ here or is it still best done as an email to the Secretary?? I need to offer up ‘possible apologies’ as I’ll be on Line-Judging on BLJAE duties at the Semi Finals of the Polish Open … and may only be able to attend part{s} of the meeting … and that’s only if schedules/timings permit?! I’ll do my best though with a laptop in the Officials Room, etc?!

  376. Please send my apologies as I will be away that weekend

  377. Hi,
    It is just an idea . Could you not put the nomination date at the All England , it gives time for all attending the AE to have a chat and discuss the requirements from the experienced personnel. We all have phones and can express interest if they want.

  378. Anne Spencer Anne Spencer says:

    have a good AGM Please accept my apologies for not taking part.
    Anne Spencer.

  379. John Earney John Earney says:

    Please register my apologies as I will be overseeing a junior badminton event

  380. Tom Cantle Tom Cantle says:

    My apology but i cannot attend the AGM. We (Berkshire old Age pensioners) have a county match at Kent on that day. We will be en route at this time . I trust the AGM goes well.

  381. Am interested in this event but because of the distance, will switch to using the train. My interest has a caveat; if train strikes still exists I may have to pull out. Enjoyed the event in Dublin

  382. Andrew Elias Andrew Elias says:

    Looks good but the announcement above leads to a couple of queries : 1 : Can you claim the 0.15p/mile if you are travelling by either Train and/or Coach?? … and 2 : Who’s doing the ‘pairing up’ for the Twin Rooms at the Ibis Styles??. I mean, we can’t really do it ourselves as we don’t know who’s actually been selected yet so can we assume the Line Judge Manager will do this and we can just put in our EOI’s on the BLJAE Website and the ‘Hotel Twins’ can be sorted out later??

  383. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    apologies I wont be attending as I will be I Basel line judging the Swiss Open
    Andy Bater

  384. I don’t know if the above comment is serious, or tongue in cheek – but I have never known of mileage being claimed or paid when travelling by train and/or coach, and I have made many claims for mileage when travelling by car – for work as well as other events. Whether you can claim expenses towards your coach or train tickets is something you will have to discuss

    Also, I have never had a problem when being paired up with someone for hotel accommodation – if you don’t want to take your chances, then book your own accommodation.
    I’m sorry, but Margaret and the team do a fantastic job and to give them more headaches is not fair on them

    • Andrew Elias Andrew Elias says:

      In past years I’ve received a payment of £15 ‘per journey’ in relation to Travel Expenses for getting to/from Birmingham for the All England on the coach/train. Thought occurs there might be something similar on offer for the Junior All England, which might even be ‘mileage based’?! Re ‘Hotels’ – I too have never had a problem being paired up with someone – but at the All England people do often make their own arrangements to ‘buddy up’ to save money – and I was just wondering how this MIGHT work if you don’t know who’s been selected until a few weeks before the event?? So I’d say these queries were proper ones rather than ‘tongue in cheek’ … and I’ll wait for Kate’s ‘official’ response?!

  385. Ruben Nortey Ruben Nortey says:

    Most of the hotels do not have twin bed rooms

  386. Abby and Sue thank you very much you made a good Line Judges team and I am very please of working under yours umbrella.
    Great week well done both of you .

  387. George Koshy George Koshy says:

    Absolutely fantastic event and great organisation by Abby and Sue. Was glad to be a part of the team again this year. Thanks so much for the opportunity.


  388. Lovely to see my Linejudge family. Hope we can catch up again soon.

  389. says:

    Thank you Abby & Sue for all the work and organisation you both put in to make this an extremely successful event for all concerned. It was a pleasure to participate again and to see some new faces from the training program performing well.

  390. Many thanks to all my LJ colleagues for making the whole experience so fulfilling, but special thanks to both Abby and Sue for all your hard work in what must have been at times very trying circumstances, the total commitment from you both enabled us to make the Championships the success that they were – well done everyone, it was a real joy to be part of this fantastic team

  391. Congratulations Abby for your fifty years volunteering and presenting the trophy to Ladies singles runner up.
    Very nice to see Sue Storey and Mike Robinson at our briefing.
    Great week thank you Abby and Sue.

  392. Vinay Kumar Vinay Kumar says:

    I pretty much echo the same sentitment expressed by the rest. As a first timer for the event and with the line judging family, it was a very well organised and managed event from Line Judges perspective. Appreciate all your effort and co-ordination to make this as seameless as possible for me (and us).

  393. Ruben Nortey Ruben Nortey says:

    If you find a hotel which is £45 per night, do you then get the full £45.

  394. I do take notice.

  395. Tony Godfrey Tony Godfrey says:

    Unable to join. Message on Zoom says ID not valid.

  396. Andrew Elias Andrew Elias says:

    Andrew 13.06 in Poland. Zoom crashed – appologies but can’t sign back in due to being on court for the Finals at 13.30 local time. Please pass on apologies to meeting if you see this. Regards, Andrew

  397. Kevin OBrien Kevin OBrien says:

    Congrats everyone!

  398. Sue Mobsby Sue Mobsby says:


  399. Congratulations to all of you!

  400. Vinay Kumar Vinay Kumar says:

    Congratulations and Well done 👍🏽

  401. Simon Ewins Simon Ewins says:

    Congratulations all

  402. John Miskin John Miskin says:

    Well done everyone.

  403. Congratulations 👏

  404. Congratulations to all of you 🎉🎉

  405. Thank you all, wouldn’t have been possible without the help and support of my fellow LJ’s

  406. Thank you all.

  407. Congratulations to all of you

  408. Keith Tovey Keith Tovey says:

    Congratulations to all of you 👏👏👏

  409. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    Well done congratulations to all🤗

  410. Mike Spear Mike Spear says:

    Congratulations to all

  411. Kevin OBrien Kevin OBrien says:

    Thanks for voting everyone – look forward to working with the rest of the committee and the Association in general!

  412. Dionne Curd Dionne Curd says:

    A great big thank you to all those members who gave me a vote. Looking forward to my first Committee Meeting
    God bless u all x

  413. Well done to all the newbies

  414. Simon Ewins Simon Ewins says:

    Just to reiterate what Kevin & Dionne have already said , Big thank you to all that voted and looking forward to the next two years working with the committee

  415. Mike Spear Mike Spear says:

    Congratulations Kev, Karen, Simon and Dionne.

  416. Karen Macrae Karen Macrae says:

    Awesome news, thank you to everyone who voted for the four of us, really looking forward to it!

  417. Congratulations to all the new guys. The best candidates were elected and I wish you success in your new roles.

  418. Well done, Kevin, Karen, Simon and Dionne. Best wishes !

  419. Sue Mobsby Sue Mobsby says:

    No mention of the ghastly food!!!

  420. Abby. Sue
    thank you for sharing these comments from our Foreign colleagues. Job well done.

  421. I have interested to attend.

  422. Carol Webb Carol Webb says:

    Thanks for the lovely photos!

  423. I have just sent my application for assistant aI too late

  424. Sue Mobsby Sue Mobsby says:


  425. Congrats ladies 👍🏻👍🏻

  426. congratulations 🎊

  427. Just to note for those interested in possibly going to this that the world famous Calgary Stampede starts a couple of days before this tournament ends. That will mean flights and accommodation being somewhat more expensive than usual.

  428. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    congratulations both

  429. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    congrats Mike

  430. Kevin OBrien Kevin OBrien says:

    Great stuff Kate

  431. Sue Mobsby Sue Mobsby says:

    Whoop whoop!!

  432. Thanks Nice Work Done.

  433. Mike Spear Mike Spear says:

    Great news we’ll done Kate

  434. Thanks Kate, good news

  435. Well done Kate x

  436. Keith Tovey Keith Tovey says:

    Great news, thank you Kate

  437. Rajesh Rahul Rajesh Rahul says:

    Well done guys awesome result

  438. Bryan Teal Bryan Teal says:

    excellent news, thank you Kate

  439. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    Great work Kate…Very wll done

  440. Ruben Nortey Ruben Nortey says:

    How do you go about when you have arranged your own accommodation

  441. Thank you Anne for an excellent Newsletter

  442. Anne Spencer Anne Spencer says:

    Hi Anne – Another excellent newsletter thanks. Anne

  443. Anne Morden Anne Morden says:

    Thanks for your compliments. It’s always good to know it’s appreciated.

  444. Really enjoyed reading everyone’s stories and experiences
    Great pictures too
    A great newsletter

  445. Really enjoyed reading everyone’s stories and experiences
    Great pictures too
    A great newsletter

  446. Carol Webb Carol Webb says:

    Thanks Anne, for the great newsletter.
    Goodness Anne we have known each that long, along with the ‘old timers’!
    And we know who they are!

  447. Please ignore the closing date. If anyone is interested please apply. Margaret

  448. hi Margaret yes I like to attend Scottish open

  449. says:

    Hi Margaret I would like to attend the Scottish Open please

  450. Please reply to the invitations by clicking the link. Do not leave a message on the website.

  451. Sue Mobsby Sue Mobsby says:

    Can you put my name down please Margaret? Sue Mobsby

  452. Dionne Curd Dionne Curd says:


  453. Andrew Elias Andrew Elias says:

    I’ll also be interested in this one … so will watch out for the Official Event Invitation on the website.

  454. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    I’m interested in this one. Please put my name down and keep me posted Thanks Andy

  455. Can you put my name down please Margaret. Pam Pearce

  456. Sue, Dionne. Andrew, Andy, Pam, thank you. Margaret

  457. Can I add my name please Margaret. Thanks Caroline x

  458. Dear Margaret, thanks, hope to be there

  459. Caroline & Pauline, thank you. Margaret

  460. Ruben Nortey Ruben Nortey says:

    Hello Margaret, Yes I’d like to attend.

  461. Ruben Nortey Ruben Nortey says:

    Hello Margaret, I will be interested.

  462. Rajesh Rahul Rajesh Rahul says:

    Hi team. I am interested in attending as it was a FYI I did not add

  463. Hi Margaret I would be interested in this one, I will look out for the official event invitation

  464. The official invite is now on website.


  465. I have applied but just realised I can’t do it anyway as I’m 10 pin bowling in county championships. Sorry for the confusion.

  466. Spoke to Margaret about possibility of being included for this event

  467. Hi Himanshu do you still need line judges for this event because I’m free on the 3rd September. Reggie

  468. Sorry, applied by mistake, please take my name off the list

  469. Thanks Anne. Excellent as always and fab contributions from members.
    Great to read about LCW-my badminton hero.

  470. lovely to read other LJ`s experiences, thanks guys. Well don Ann.

  471. Anne Spencer Anne Spencer says:

    Anne Spencer….Another excellent newsletter Anne Welcome to Doug.

  472. Well deserved, congratulations Abby

  473. craig muir craig muir says:

    Congratulations, Abby. So we’ll deserved

  474. Tony Godfrey Tony Godfrey says:

    Congrats. Keep us all on track.

  475. Sue Mobsby Sue Mobsby says:

    Many congratulations Abby. This is a small recognition of all that you have done for badminton and us. Thank you!

  476. Congrats Abby

  477. Akbar ali Akbar ali says:

    Well done and congrates Abby, the service and support over the years

  478. Karen Macrae Karen Macrae says:

    Huge congratulations, Abby.

  479. Sue Baker Sue Baker says:

    Many congratulations Abby. Well deserved.

  480. Marilyn Bray Marilyn Bray says:

    Congratulations Abby. well deserved.

  481. Dionne Curd Dionne Curd says:

    Absolutely fabulous news Abby. Well done. Well deserved. You have been such a blessing to me . Thanks again for all your encouragement !! Blessings to you for the future

  482. That’s wonderful Abby. Well done 🙂

  483. Congratulations Abby. It is so well deserved for such a special person who offers himself tirelessly to Badminton, and also to all of us that work with you.

    Well deserved.

  484. Ruben Nortey Ruben Nortey says:

    Many congratulations Abby, you’re an example to us all.

  485. Tom Cantle Tom Cantle says:

    A fitting award Abby. Congratulations

  486. Chen Cheng Chen Cheng says:

    Congrats Abby, well deserved.

  487. George Koshy George Koshy says:

    Fantastic news, Congratulations Abby!!!

  488. Mike Spear Mike Spear says:

    Congratulations Abby, well deserved. Thank you for all you have done for the association and the help you’ve given me personally

  489. Many congratulations Abby, really pleased for you, well deserved

  490. Keith Tovey Keith Tovey says:

    Congratulations Abby, very fitting and well deserved.

  491. John Miskin John Miskin says:

    A well deserved appointment recognising all the work you have done for Line Judges.

  492. Andrew Elias Andrew Elias says:

    Hey Abby – pleased to read the news about your new BLJAofE appointment and that you’ll be ‘keeping a watchful eye’ over your many friends here!

  493. Don Bullough Don Bullough says:

    Fantastic appointment. Abby, there’s no getting away…

  494. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    Great news Abby. I am so pleased that you are still with us. Congratulations, a well deserved appointment.

  495. John Earney John Earney says:

    Well done from all at Wiltshire

  496. David Dodds David Dodds says:

    it does not say how much they are Payed ?
    BE have full time staff

    • Mike Spear Mike Spear says:


      These are volunteer roles for LJ Manager and Deputy therefore no pay. I believe they get an enhanced subsistence for the tournament

  497. Abby Kumar Abby Kumar says:

    Dear friends, thank you so much for your really kind words. I was overwhelmed to read your lovely messages. Thank you all for appointing me as Hon Vice President of our Association, and I accept this as a great honour. The BLJAofE has been a huge part of my badminton life and this appointment will enable me to keep in touch with the affairs of the Association, and with all the great friends I have. Life continues to be busy for me in caring for my wife, and this appointment has been a wonderful morale booster for me.
    Thank you my dear friends.

  498. Fantastic news Abby! You have added so much value to the Line Judge Association, and it is an honour to know you as a friend. Congratulations!!

  499. Hi Kate
    I would like to be considered in whatever capacity you think I’m ready for.

  500. I’m really looking forward to the All England 2024, working with Kate, Stuart, all my friends in the Association and from overseas and all at BE.
    So please get your Expressions of Interest completed and submitted, then it’s full steam ahead to March 2024

  501. craig muir craig muir says:

    Hi. I’ve put my name forward for all England. BE have sent a volunteer application form. Do I need to fill it in?

  502. George Koshy George Koshy says:

    Congratulations Andrew

  503. John Miskin John Miskin says:

    Well done Andrew.

  504. Tony Godfrey Tony Godfrey says:

    That is good news. 👍 Long may you continue.

  505. Abby Kumar Abby Kumar says:

    Thank you Andrew for stepping in to help the Association. Much appreciated.

  506. Anne Morden Anne Morden says:

    Great news Andrew. i know you will do brilliant job.

  507. Excellent news Andrew, you will be an asset to the team 👍

  508. Mike Spear Mike Spear says:

    Congratulations Andrew

  509. Congratulations Andrew well done.

  510. Excellent news Andrew and congratulations!

  511. says:

    In Andrew we trust. Good luck.

  512. Thanks everyone for the good wishes and also separate offers of help.
    I will do my utmost to support the Association, its aims and its members.

  513. Rajesh Rahul Rajesh Rahul says:

    Hi All I hope this is the right place to do this please add me in to all the days please. Thank Raj

  514. Andrew Elias Andrew Elias says:

    I can see where you’re going with this and think it’s a good idea but please could you/The Committee clarify :
    When you say “must have done at least 2 domestic events in the YEAR preceding the deadline date” do you mean ‘Calendar Year’ or 12 Month Period, i.e. if say I Line Judged at 2 x domestic’s in May and July 2023, does that cover me to apply for any Europeans throughout the whole of 2024 … or only up until the end of July 2024??

  515. And big thanks and Seasons Greetings to all the committee for all your hard work and making it relatively easy for us to be involved and continue in our work

  516. John Miskin John Miskin says:

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.

  517. Andrew Elias Andrew Elias says:

    Quick follow up question : some events are “International” in terms of players but ‘Domestic’ in terms of location. For example, how would you classify these two events from 2023 : 1 – The All England JUNIOR in Birmingham : 2 – The World Team QUALIFYING in Milton Keynes : Do either/both count towards the “must have done at least 2 domestic events in the year preceding the deadline date for application for that event” rule??

    • Dear Andrew,

      You raise an interesting question, so the Committee will discuss it at our Committee Meeting at the end of January and provide a more detailed and definitive criteria.


  518. Assume it’s Glasgow?

  519. It’s in my diary

  520. Sue Mobsby Sue Mobsby says:

    Sorry – in Germany then.

  521. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    My apologies. I will be in Basel line judging the Swiss Open

  522. Sorry please give my apologies, will be returning from Basel

  523. What a Sad loss off a person of great character , I will miss her.

  524. So Sorry to hear very Sad news She was wonderful Lady and good Line paerson I will miss her.

  525. Mike Spear Mike Spear says:

    Fully agree Kate, its important to be transparent

  526. Marilyn Bray Marilyn Bray says:

    So sorry to hear this news. I enjoyed many an AllEngland with her and World Champs in Lausanne. RIP Anne.

  527. Anne Morden Anne Morden says:

    Can you direct me to where the names, nominations and seconders and positions are set out for the committee members. I couldn’t see the info on the Agenda.

  528. The positions and names are on the original AGM announcement posted on 26th February.
    These are proposed by the Committee.
    No other nominations received so far.

  529. Anne Morden Anne Morden says:

    Thanks Andrew

  530. Please accept my appologies

  531. I would like to offer my apologies for not able to attend the AGM. Hope the meeting goes well and I look forward to the meeting minutes.

  532. Yvonne Fox Yvonne Fox says:

    Apologies for absence – hope it goes well

  533. Lawrence Yap Lawrence Yap says:

    l haven’t received my t-shirt yet. please let me know the cost.
    many thanks
    Lawrence yap

  534. Ajay Shah Ajay Shah says:

    I have not received my John Alexander T-shirt.
    Regards, Ajay Shah

  535. I have not received my John Alexander T -shirt and I remember him well…..
    Sue Oldershaw

  536. Will Knights Will Knights says:

    Hi Margaret, medium please. I haven’t got one

  537. craig muir craig muir says:

    Congratulations all! Well done!

  538. Congratulations everyone.

  539. Thank you for your belief in me

  540. Should have added, I enjoy Line Judging, and will always work to the best of my ability

  541. Fantastic achievement! Well done all. 👏👏

  542. Andy Baxter Andy Baxter says:

    Well done all. congratulations

  543. Well done everyone

  544. Kate Rowlatt Kate Rowlatt says:

    Congratulations to you all. 👏

  545. Sue Mobsby Sue Mobsby says:


  546. Kevin Fung Kevin Fung says:

    Congratulations to all of you 🎉

  547. Keith Tovey Keith Tovey says:

    Congratulations, well done everyone 👏👏👏

  548. Congratulations to all 🎉🎉

  549. Mike Spear Mike Spear says:

    Congratulations to all

  550. Dionne Curd Dionne Curd says:

    Absolutely Well done Everyone. Hip hip hooray!!🎉🥂🥳🥂🎉🎊🍾🍷👋🏾🙏🏿

  551. John Walsh John Walsh says:

    congratulations every well done

  552. John Miskin John Miskin says:

    Well done everyone.

  553. Ruben Nortey Ruben Nortey says:

    Congratulations everyone

  554. Kevin OBrien Kevin OBrien says:

    Well done team, great stuff.

  555. Tony Godfrey Tony Godfrey says:

    Well done everyone 👏

  556. Good day , can I put forward my name for this event please.
    Many thanks

  557. Andrew Elias Andrew Elias says:

    Quick query : In previous years people applying to be considered for BWF Line Judge status were asked to fill in a BJLAE online form which asked for information such as a list of previous International Events attended, Umpire Qualification, etc. Can I assume you want us to add these type of additional details in any email to the Secretary … or is it literally just an “I’m interested” email with minimal other info??

  558. Hi Andrew.
    Just an “I’m interested” will be sufficient for now.

  559. Ruben Nortey Ruben Nortey says:

    I’m interested

  560. Lawrence Yap Lawrence Yap says:

    I have done a course on umpiring run by BUAOFE. Do I still need to take this course if I still want to be considered as a
    Line Judge?
    Lawrence Yap

  561. Yes please
    I’ll be there

  562. yunus would like Togo

  563. I Like to go this event in 29 Oct to 3rd Nov.
    Yunus Suleman

  564. Sue Mobsby Sue Mobsby says:

    Sue Mobsby would like to apply for the Scottish Open as a line judge

  565. Sue I will add your name to the list but you must go through the link CURRENT EVENT REQUESTS and volunteer. Margaret

  566. Yunus Suleman I would like to go Scotland

  567. Congratulations and well done Ian

  568. Dionne Curd Dionne Curd says:

    Congratulations Ian. God bless u. You are gonna be great

  569. Congratulations Ian You have Good knowledge and have a good luck

  570. Ruben Nortey Ruben Nortey says:

    Sure, love to see Manuel at the Leonardo

  571. Thank you, really interesting Newsletter